- Natural ingredients and colors with added vitamins, minerals and trace nutrients
- Nutritious food ingredients that fish are naturally attracted to
- Formulated so that fish utilize more of what they eat and create less waste
- Good for common goldfish, fancy Orandas or small koi
- Will not cloud water when fed as directed
- Approximate granule size 1.5mm
- Ideal for Comets, Fantails, Shubunkins, Orandas, Ryukins, Lionheads, Telescope Eyes, Moors, Bubble Eyes, Celestial Eyes, Pearlscales, Small Koi
Aqueon Cichlid Slow Sinking Fish Food Pellets, Medium Size, 25 Ounce
- Contains premium ingredients such as shrimp and squid meal that all types of cichlids should enjoy
- Quality, nutritious ingredients naturally attract fish, support a healthy immune system, bring out their true colors and provide the essentials for proper growth and vitality
- Formulated so that fish utilize more of what they eat and create less waste
- Will not cloud water when fed as directed
- Ideal for South American, West African and Carnivorous Rift Lake Cichlids
Aqueon Tropical Fish Food Flakes, 7.12 Ounces
- Natural ingredients and colors with added vitamins, minerals and trace nutrients
- Nutritious food ingredients that fish are naturally attracted to
- Formulated so that fish utilize more of what they eat and create less waste
- Floating flakes for surface feeding
- Will not cloud water when fed as directed
- Ideal for Angelfish, Tetra Species, Barb Species, Rasboras, Danios, White Cloud Minnows, Rainbow Fish, Fancy Guppies, Platies, Swordtails, Corydoras Catfish, Most Loaches, Kribensis